special education advocate in austin tx

Empowering Families

Empowering parents, guiding them through the complexities of special education.

Providing support, knowledge, and clarity amidst the sea of acronyms and legal jargon.

Your journey matters and you know your student best. We will work together every step of the way to ensure your child receives the education they require and deserve.

How I can help:

If you are new to special education I can explain what is required by the schools and the timeline they must follow. I can also help guide you through this process so that you can become the vital member of the IEP process that you are supposed to be.

The reality is that schools do hundreds of meetings a year and you may only have one or two. When the school speaks “sped” language all of the time they have a habit of steamrolling parents during the meeting and often your voice is not heard. With an advocate, your voice is always heard and you are an active member in your child’s IEP meeting.

If you have been in the special education world for a bit now, I can help you get some movement on issues you would like to have addressed that have not been addressed in the past. I will also be able to tell you if what you are requesting is appropriate and of benefit for your child. I can help you hold schools accountable for what has been written in your child’s IEP.